Monday 28 December 2009


Here is a great invocation, given out to the world, by Master Djwhal Khul, under the instruction from the Christ.

"From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.

From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

 Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth."

Here is what Master Djwhal Khul says about this great invocation:

Some time ago I gave out to the world – under instruction from the Christ – an Invocation that is destined to become of major usefulness in bringing about certain great events. These are:
1. An outpouring of love and light upon mankind, from Shamballa.
2. An invocatory appeal to the Christ, the Head of the Hierarchy, to reappear.
3. The establishing on earth of the divine Plan, to be accomplished willingly by humanity itself.
Incidentally, these three events are relatively near, and will be brought about by a conscious working out of the immediate phase of the Plan, which it is the divine intention to bring about to a certain extent, before the reappearance of the Christ. The establishing of right human relations, is the immediate task, and is that phase of the Plan of Love and Light to which humanity can most easily respond, and for which they are already evidencing a sense of responsibility.
Little attention has been paid to the factor of invocation as expressed by the people of the world; yet down the ages the in vocative cry of humanity has risen to the Hierarchy, and brought response. . . .
Now the Great Invocation, as used by the Hierarchy itself, has been given out to the world. So reactionary is human thinking, that the claim made by [Page 142] me, that it is one of the greatest of the world's prayers, and is on a par with the other voiced expressions of spiritual desire and intention, will evoke criticism. That is of no importance . . .
The uniqueness connected with the Invocation, consists in the fact that it is, in reality, a great method of integration. It links the Father, the Christ and humanity in one great relationship. . . . The Great Invocation relates the will of the Father (or of Shamballa), the love of the Hierarchy, and the service of Humanity, into one great Triangle of Energies; this triangle will have two major results: the "sealing of the door where evil dwells", and the working out through the Power of God, let loose on earth through the Invocation, of the Plan of Love and Light . . .
When we invoke the Mind of God and say: "Let Light stream forth into the minds of men, let light descend on Earth", we are voicing one of the great needs of humanity, and – if invocation and prayer mean anything at all – the answer is certain and sure. When we find present in all people at all times, in every age and in every situation, the urge to voice an appeal to the unseen spiritual Centre, there is a fixed surety that such a Centre exists. Invocation is as old as the hills, or as old as humanity itself; therefore no other argument for its usefulness or its potency is required.
The usual invocative appeal has hitherto been selfish in its nature, and temporary in its formulation. Men have prayed for themselves; they have invoked divine help for those they love; they have given a material interpretation to their basic needs. The Invocation, lately given to us by the Hierarchy, is a world prayer; it has no personal appeal or temporal invocative urge; it expresses humanity's need and pierces through all the difficulties, doubts and questionings – straight to the Mind and the Heart of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being – the One Who will stay with us until the end of time itself, and "until the last weary pilgrim has found his way home".
But the Invocation is not vague and nebulous. It voices the basic needs of mankind today – the need for light and love, for understanding of the divine will, and for the end of evil. It says triumphantly: "Let light descend on earth; may Christ return to earth; let purpose guide the little wills of men; let the Plan seal the door where evil dwells". It then sums it all up in the clarion words: "Let light and love and power restore the Plan on Earth". Always the emphasis is laid upon the place of appearance and of manifestation: the Earth.
Already this Invocation is doing much to change world affairs – far more than may appear to your eyes. Much remains to be done. I would ask all [Page 143]students, all men of Goodwill, and all who are participating in the work of the Triangles, and helping to build the network of light and goodwill, to do all that is possible to spread the use of the Invocation . . .
The Invocation has been sent out by the combined Ashrams of the Masters and by the entire Hierarchy; it is used by its Members with constancy, exactitude and power. It will serve to integrate the two great centres: the Hierarchy and Humanity, and to relate them both in a new and dynamic manner to the "centre where the Will of God is known".
I ask you, therefore, during the coming years, to prepare, to use, and to distribute the Invocation, and make it a major endeavour. (18 – 755/9).

Source: "Ponder on this" book
"Ponder on this" is available online at the following link:
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