Saturday 5 February 2011

Happiness, Joy & Bliss

Here are a few drops of nectar from the writings Master Djwhal Khul, on the topic JOY.....
Please go through the actual article in case you like the nectar :P

Be joyful, for joy lets in the light, and where there is joy there is little room for glamour and misunderstanding.

You can train yourself to build in that quality of joy which is the characteristic of a personality which is consciously anchored in the soul realm.

It is helpful to differentiate between happiness, joy and bliss:

First, happiness, which has its seat in the emotions, and is a personality reaction.

Second, joy, which is a quality of the soul and is realised in the mind, when alignment takes place.

Third, bliss, which is the nature of the Spirit and about which speculation is fruitless until the soul realises its oneness with the Father. This realisation follows upon an earlier stage wherein the personal self is at-oned with the soul. Therefore speculation and analysis as to the nature of bliss is profitless to the average man whose metaphors and terminologies must perforce be personal, and related to the world of the senses. Does the aspirant refer to his happiness or joy? If he refers to the latter it must come as the effect of group consciousness, of group solidarity, of oneness with all beings, and may not be interpreted in terms of happiness after all. Happiness comes when the personality is meeting with those conditions which satisfy it in one part or other of its lower nature; it comes when there is a sense of physical well being, of contentment with one's environment or surrounding personalities, or of satisfaction with one's mental opportunities and contacts. Happiness is the goal of the separated self.

When however we seek to live as souls, the contentment of the lower man is discounted, and we find joy in our group relationships, and in bringing about those conditions which lead to the better expression of the souls of those we contact. This bringing of joy to others, in order to produce conditions in which they may better express themselves, may have a physical effect as we seek to better their material conditions, or an emotional effect as our presence brings to them peace and uplift, or an intellectual result as we stimulate them to clarity of thought and understanding. But the effect upon ourselves is joy, for our action has been selfless and non-acquisitive, and not dependent upon the aspirant's circumstance or worldly state.

Ponder on joy, happiness, gaiety and bliss; these release the channels of the inner life, and reach - in a wide circle - many kinds of men. They heal and cleanse the physical body, and help you do your work with little effort, a proper sense of values, and a detachment which is based on love and not isolation

Meditations on joy:

..... "With industry I work as doth the ant. With speed I travel as moves the hare upon its path. With joy I climb as doth the goat which scales the precipice and stands upon the mountain top. Industry, speed and joy must be the keynotes of my life; diligence with the task assigned; speed to assent with all the Master says; speed on my way to service; and joy to shower forth on all I meet. Such is the Way for me."
.... Sit in perfect silence and quiet for fifteen minutes, not negatively drifting into a semi-tranced condition, but actively becoming aware of that inner centre of stillness and of peace where joy and bliss have their home.

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